Welcome Gifts ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

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New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

My quarterly refresh included a quarterly purge.

Goodbye, 20+ email lists.

Of course, I’m still subscribed to 23 newsletters.

But the email game has never been more competitive.

(so thanks for being here)

Today’s Upgrade will help you win the battle for the inbox.

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1 Marketing Upgrade

Welcome Gifts

In 8 words:

Surprise & delight your new subscribers to create reciprocity

Dilemma: Getting people to join your email list is only half the battle.

Now you’ve got to get them to stay.

Which starts with getting them to engage.

Obviously, your content has to be good. But that’s table stakes.

How can you fast track your relationship with each new person who enters your world?

Solution: Leverage reciprocity.

In the words of Robert Cialdini, who popularized this persuasion principle:

“thou shall not take without giving in return.”

But if you promised a lead magnet and they “paid” for it with their name & email? That feels like a fair trade, and little reciprocity is created.

So how do you fully leverage reciprocity?


Specifically, ‘wow’ your new subscriber right away by giving them an extra gift on top of what they were already promised.

Which then creates the desire to give back. To reciprocate.

And the best way to reciprocate? Buy from you.

Or at least keep opening your emails (until they're ready to buy from you).

3 Ideas to Implement


Surprise welcome gift

In your welcome email to new subscribers, reveal your surprise gift.

This gets them excited. Plus, it immediately positions you as someone who goes above and beyond for people in your world.

Real-world Example: Katelyn Bourgoin teases that a surprise gift is coming soon. And also uses this as an opportunity to encourage her new subscribers to take actions that improve deliverability (a win-win for both her and her subscribers).


Use a bonus gift to seal the deal

50%+ of your opt-in page visitors won’t scroll beyond the first section or two. 80%+ won’t make it anywhere near the bottom of your page.

But for those that do? Give them an extra incentive to take action by revealing your surprise gift. Because worse than ruining a surprise is them bouncing (and never returning).

Real-world Example: The Elite Competitor reveals their bonus gift in the final Call-to-Action section at the bottom of their webinar registration page.


Include a new subscriber discount

Now that they’ve joined your world, use this opportunity to both give them a welcome gift (reciprocity) and pique their interest in a relevant offer. Win-win!

Real-world Example: In his welcome email to new newsletter subscribers, Jakob Greenfeld offered a special Bundle offer to new subscribers right after giving them a welcome gift.

Which one will you implement this week?

Reply and let me know.

— Bobby

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