Story Trove ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

Estimated time to read: 2 minutes 3 seconds

New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

My local ski spot is running a promo. Sweet deal on their 4-pack.

In other words, winter is coming.

I'm squeezing everything I can out of these sunny days, while they're still here. Hope you're doing the same.

1 Marketing Upgrade

Story Trove

In 8 words:

Let prospects see themselves in your customers’ stories

Dilemma: One of the most important, yet most difficult, sales questions you need to answer is: “Will this work for ME?”

The only way to truly answer this question with 100% certainty is to have the magical ability to see into the future.

But the second best option is to show your prospect that someone just like them achieved the desired results.

In a 1-to-1 sales conversation you could ask questions, understand their situation, and share a story from someone who was in a similar situation.

But that’s not possible in a one-way medium like email or social media posts.

Solution: Let your customers’ find the most relevant stories themselves.

Give your audience an easy way to explore your database of case studies. This way they see for themselves that similar people have gone through similar experiences and found success.

Let’s look at how some of the top brands have implemented this.

3 Ideas to Implement


Help them to sort quickly

Many stories won’t be relevant to your prospect. That’s why it’s valuable to make their life easy: add an easy way to filter so your prospect can find the success stories most relevant to them.

Real-world Example: Jeff Walker makes it easy for his prospective students to find relevant case studies for his Product Launch Formula program. He includes journey filters like “New to Online Business”, and industry filters like “B2B”, “Health and Wellness”, and “Authors, Artists, and Musicians”.


Make it fun to consume

Don’t just list a bunch of faceless, static text testimonials. Make your story trove an engaging experience.

Real-world Example: Marie Forleo’s Reviews page for her B-School program is a visually appealing and interactive experience. Notice how she includes vertical videos from students that feel natural for our social media era.


Feature an invite to be next

Think of how newspapers and magazines feature a “Place Your Your Ad Here” in their publication.

You can insert a similar ad that invites your readers to become your next success story featured on this page.

Real-world Example: Amy Porterfield includes an powerful invite on the reviews page for her Digital Course Academy.

Amy makes use of two powerful psychological principles:

Future Pacing: Making this callout encourages prospective customers to imagine themselves already achieving the success you’re promising.

“Should”: Help readers overcome the “Can I really do this” objection by being the cheerleader who shows them that they deserve to be the next success story.

If you've helped your customers win, it's time to show off those stories so they help bring you even more customers.

— Bobby

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