Segmentation ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

Estimated time to read: 1 minutes 59 seconds

New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

It feels like a hurricane just hit town.

Except, no. That's just what it feels like to be a new parent.

We're surfing the winds and learning every minute.

1 Marketing Upgrade


In 9 words:

Ask your audience to make your marketing more relevant

Dilemma: Your product or service is valuable to more than one segment of your audience.

For example, a course that helps both beginners and intermediate-level people in a chosen topic.

But specific copy tends to convert better than broad and vague copy.

Which means speaking to beginners is likely to increase conversion for that segment. But might also make the message less relevant to the intermediate-level segment (who might conclude that the course is only for beginners).

Solution: Gather more information from your new subscribers as they enter your world so you can better tailor your marketing to them.

This way your marketing messages are more relevant and more likely to convert into sales for each segment.

3 Ideas to Implement


Direct them to the most relevant content

If you have a variety of resources, you don’t want to make people click around forever to try and find what they need. Otherwise they’ll bounce.

Instead, use your homepage to help visitors find what they’re looking for quickly so they can start getting value from you immediately.

Real-world Example: Masterclass has a large variety of courses, from writing a novel to playing tennis. So in the hero section of their homepage, they help their website visitors self-select what they’re looking for.


Segment by stage of journey

If you serve people along a continuum, it can be useful to know where they are on their journey. This way you can deliver the most relevant resources and provide the most value based on their specific situation.

Real-world Example: Stu McLaren used this segmentation question as part of his opt-in process to understand where each lead was at in their business-building journey.


Segment by biggest challenge

People buy solutions to problems. And if your product or service solves more than one major problem, it can be very helpful to know which problem your new leads care most about.

This is key to tailoring your messaging to describe the exact ways your offer helps solve the problem that matters most to them.

Real-world Example: Amy Porterfield included this segmentation question after the user opted in for her webinar.

Pro Tip: Give a reason why you’re asking this question to get more people to complete the segmentation step.

💡 Bonus Idea: Try using a quiz or assessment as a "disguised" version of your client intake form. They get to self-diagnose while you see who'd be a good fit for your services.

Want help applying this week's Upgrade to your marketing? You know where to find me.

— Bobby

P.S. Let's connect on LinkedIn

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