Goldmine Surveys ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

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New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

Today's Upgrade helps infuse all your marketing with more power and persuasiveness.

Because the best copy is what your customers write for you.

Let's get into it.

1 Marketing Upgrade

Goldmine Surveys

In 7 words:

Ask smart questions and uncover profitable insights.

Dilemma: You’ve launched your product, run your campaign, crafted your funnel. And you've made sales.

Now — how do you improve your conversions and keep growing your sales?

(besides booking a Marketing Funnel Upgrade, of course 😉)

Solution: Let your customers (and future customers) help you.

Ask specific questions that help you understand why they bought, what they want to achieve, and what held them back from investing.

Today we're exploring three types of surveys I regularly implement in my clients' businesses. Each is a rich goldmine of profitable insights.

3 Ideas to Implement


Ask them immediately after purchase

Don’t wait until your annual planning meeting to wonder if you should "ask our customers" and send out a weak “customer satisfaction survey.”

People forget. Usually very quickly.

The best time to understand why someone bought is immediately after they made the purchase decision. While it’s fresh in their mind.

In my experience, adding a survey to the post-purchase thank you page of a course or digital product gets 60%+ completion —and makes your customers feel heard.


Real-world Example: I implemented this survey for one of my clients on their post-purchase thank you page. Notice how the questions are geared around certain aspects of their buying journey.

To date, this survey has generated over 3,000 valuable responses.

Pro Tip: Use tools like to help you parse all this data to spot trends and generate insights quickly.


Find out why they didn’t buy

Let's face it: The majority of your audience isn't going to buy during your promotion period.

But do you know why?

It might be for a bunch of reasons. But what if there's a trend emerging. Would you be able to spot it?

Not without asking. Which is why it's helpful to survey non-purchasers. For example, if a certain objection comes up consistently, know to address that sooner in your marketing.

And what if you don't want to send yet another email to your entire list after a big campaign?

Send the survey only to non-purchasers who clicked over to your sales page at least once during the launch.

This way you're much more likely to reach people who were in the consideration phase (and therefore have real insight into their decision-making process).

Real-world Example: Here’s a simple survey I implemented for one of my clients. Notice how it’s just one low-friction question.


Understand what matters most to your audience

Pro tip: Never ask people what they think they want to buy.

People are terrible at predicting what they’ll do in the future.

I wouldn't bet money that I'll accurately predict what I'll feel like eating tomorrow. So I definitely wouldn't gamble my business on what people say they'll be interested in buying three months from now.

Instead, ask people about what they know with confidence: their current reality. Ask them to share their biggest challenge, their current #1 goal, how they envision their future selves.

Real-world Example: Here’s a survey I used to understand my audience's challenges around using Facebook ads. Notice how the question is geared to understand how prospects feel in the present moment.

Now go forth, ask, and prosper.


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