Gatekeeping ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

Estimated time to read: 1 minutes 25 seconds

New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

Writing this note to you from my home office in Denver. Beautiful partly cloudy day. I can see the Rocky Mountains stretching across the West in all their shades of blue.

1 Marketing Upgrade


In 7 words:

Help the wrong people avoid becoming unhappy customers

Dilemma: You don’t sell to everyone. And the reality is that bad fit customers are most likely to refund, clog up your customer support, and waste your time.

Solution: Get clear on who exactly gets the most value from your product or service.

And, who gets the least value.

Then, make that clear on your sales page. So the right customers buy and the wrong ones go find another solution that would work better for them.

3 Ideas to Implement


Tell them who it’s NOT for

The simplest way to repel bad fit customers is to make it clear who exactly isn’t a good fit for your product or service.

Real-world Example: Alex Cattoni helps potential students sort themselves out of the consideration phase by including a “not for you if…” section on her program sales pages.


Compare who it is and isn’t for

Help clarify who will get the most value from your offer by comparing who will get value and who won’t. That way it’s difficult for people to read this section and not be clear on whether or not your offer is for them.

Real-world Example: Happy on Mondays includes a “is this for me” comparison section on their Authentic Funnel program sales page. Notice how the copy is framed as helping them see whether or not they’re ready for the program, which adds an aura of exclusivity to the program.


Provide a good fit checklist

Help your prospects quickly see if this offer is for them by providing a checklist with details on who is a good fit.

Real-world Example: Mariah Coz includes a section calling out who is a good fit for her program, The Accelerator.

Rooting for you.

— Bobby

P.S. Have we connected on LinkedIn yet?

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Estimated time to read: 1 minute 53 seconds Read Online New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here. Hey, it's Bobby. Soon we'll be heading into the mountains for a nice, relaxing weekend away. For my wife that means lounging by the pool. For me that means hiking, biking, and kayaking for many miles. Just the way I'm wired. Find what works for you. Then make the most of it. 1 Marketing Upgrade...

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