⚡️ The Upgrade: Assessments

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1 Concept or Framework


In 9 words

Surface the pain and lead naturally to your solution.

Dilemma: Most of your target market doesn't spend all day thinking about the problem you solve. In fact, many problems linger unsolved for weeks, months, and even years.

Solution: Use an assessment to resurface the problem and bring it top of mind.

An assessment follows one of the simplest & most powerful copywriting frameworks: Problem, Agitate, Solution (PAS).

  • Problem: "How bad is your problem? Take this assessment to find out."
  • Agitate: "Wow! Based on your responses, it looks like you have a bad case of this problem, which is likely causing these other issues too."
  • Solve: "The good news is, we offer a product/service that fixes this problem. Click to learn more."

3 Ideas to Implement


Create an "aha" moment that highlights the issue

If your audience has been struggling to make progress, they may not fully realize why it's been so difficult.

Use an assessment to make the problem tangible and help them see where the roadblocks are.

Real-world Example: Keeper.ai uses a calculator to show just how few people in your entire country match your dating preferences – just by narrowing a few demographic parameters. This leads naturally to offering their matchmaking service as a way to navigate this challenge.


Offer an automatic analysis

Why make your audience do the work when you can do it for them. Create a tool that automatically analyzes and exposes the problem.

Think an AI-powered resumé review tool. Or an app that analyzes their dating profile and provides quick tips to improve.

Real-world Example: Neil Patel's homepage is built around a digital marketing assessment where visitors just have to enter their website URL to get an instant analysis.


Spot the weak points

Your audience may not realize where they should focus until they see it in black & white.

Create a tool they can use to self-assess various areas and then give a score to each area so they can see for themselves where the weak points are.

Real-world Example: Upcoach offers a simple Wheel of Life assessment to help their people pinpoint areas of improvement.

That's all, folks. Have a terrific rest of your day.

— Bobby

P.S. Hit reply and tell me which idea has the most potential for your business. I love hearing from you!

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