5-Star Social Proof ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

Estimated time to read: 1 minutes 56 seconds

New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

Well, it's official. As of this week, I'm a parent.

My wife and I welcomed a wonderful 6-year old boy into our family.

We're filled with joy. And sleepiness. Wish us luck (and send coffee…)

Let's dive in.

1 Marketing Upgrade

5-Star Social Proof

In 7 words:

Spotlight your happy customers with undeniable proof

Dilemma: Nearly every market is becoming more competitive.

Customers usually have dozens, if not hundreds, of alternatives to choose from (including the always-available “do nothing”).

Every year it gets less effective to just throw up a few testimonials on your sales page and check off “social proof” from your list. Because that’s what your competitors are doing and it’s become the bare-minimum.

Solution: Do more with what you have.

Platforms like Amazon, Etsy, and Udemy have spent the last decade establishing a common visual language for showcasing proof:

The 5-star format.

Leverage the instant comprehension and credibility of this format on your sales page and across your marketing materials.

Let’s explore 3 ideas for you to implement.

3 Ideas to Implement


Make your review rating ultra-specific

Claims like “World’s Best Coffee” are unbelievable — and get ignored.

Instead, use something that’s much harder to ignore:


Give your real star rating. Because your customers aren’t dumb. They know a perfect 5-star rating is impossible.

Real-world Example: Justin Welsh combines a 5-star visual with the course’s real rating: 4.98/5 (from 20,000 students).

This specificity makes his claim much more believable and lends his course a high-degree of authority in the competitive ‘LinkedIn Training’ space.


Add a wall of reviews

Don’t assume people know just how impressive your product is, even if you’re a large brand.

Prove that you’re different than just another company by showcasing how many 5-star reviews you have.

You can use a tool like Senja or Testimonial.to to quickly add a wall of testimonials to your page.

Real-world Example: VeryGoodCopy leverages one of the most powerful psychological triggers for buying: The confidence that you’re joining a crowd of others (called the “Bandwagon Effect”).

This wall of 5-star testimonials shows that others are loving the course, and helps you believe that you will, too.


Match the visual language of the large platforms

Like it or not, big platforms tend to define consumer expectations.

Even though you’re bringing potential customers to your own website, you can gain instant credibility by adopting the shared visual language of the large platforms.

Real-world Example: Look at how companies like Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, and Maven showcase their ratings and use that as a starting point for your own pages.Typically, the star ratings are placed near the first Call to Action button.

Send me screenshots of how you showcase 5-star ratings on your pages. I'd love to see what you create.

— Bobby

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