3-Step Journey ⚡️ The Marketing Upgrade

Estimated time to read: 1 minutes 22 seconds

New around here? Every Thursday I send you 1 proven marketing upgrade + 3 ideas to implement it (backed by real-world examples). Subscribe here.

Hey, it's Bobby.

Despite a tough week I'm showing up and keeping my commitment to you (and to me). Sometimes that's enough.

1 Marketing Upgrade

3-Step Journey

In 7 words:

Condense your customer journey into three simplified steps

Dilemma: It’s human nature to want the result without the effort.

Ideally, your customers would just take a magic pill and voila! Their problem would be solved.

Unfortunately, that’s not realistic. No such magic pill exists.

The reality is that achieving their desired result will take time, money, energy, and/or effort.

Solution: Make the path ahead seem less daunting by condensing the journey into three distinct and simplified phases.

You can include this simplified journey outline across your website, including opt-in pages, sales pages, homepage, work with me page, etc.

3 Ideas to Implement


Map out your results framework

You likely have a process or framework you walk your clients through that’s different than what others recommend. Highlight this in your 3 Steps section.

Real-world Example: Dow Janes highlights their “3 Steps to Financial Freedom” framework that helps their customer see a clear path ahead that feels refreshingly simple, especially when most financial advice can seem overly complicated.


Map out your coaching program process

Give a high-level overview of the process you take your clients through in your coaching program. This can be a powerful way to give customers a quick snapshot of what it looks like to work with you.

Real-world Example: Introverted Alpha provides a simplified version of the process they take their clients through in their 1:1 Dating Coaching program.


Map out your business model

If you have a simple business model, show the full journey from brand-new to your world to achieving the highest value your company provides.

Real-world Example: The Elite Competitor highlights the journey from webinar attendee to joining their premium course to achieving the desired end result.

Planning to implement this week's upgrade? Let me know.

— Bobby

P.S. Let's connect on LinkedIn if we haven't yet.

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